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"Every intelligent musician should be familiar with the physical laws which underline his art." - Clarence G. Hamilton “Sound and Its Relation to Music’’ (1912)


Catching Shadows, a percussion sextet, by Ivan Trevino adds a tasty piece of art-rock to the repertoire. This piece was inspired by a playlist that Trevino listened to once on a road trip. This audience friendly piece blends the worlds of artistry and popularity very tastefully. The quick split lateral licks test the technique and timing of musicians, not to mention the high level of energy they must maintain for most of the piece.

《追影》是艾文 · 崔文諾敲擊樂六重奏作品。作品靈感源自一次公路旅行的音樂播放單,注入了搖滾新意的作品,展現流行元素與藝術性的充分糅合。交錯急促的敲擊節奏,以至全曲健捷的曲調都是對樂手節奏感與力量的一大考驗。


Pleiades is a composition for six percussionists composed in 1978 by Greek composer lannis Xenakis. The composition is set in four movements, including Melanges (a French Word of ‘mixtures’), Metaux (a French Word of ‘metal’), Claviers (a French Word of ‘keyboards’) and Peaux (a French Word of ‘Skins’). The intentionally ambiguous title of this work on one hand alludes to different instruments used by the six percussionists along the four movements; it on the other hand refers to a myth in Greek mythology.

With affinities with works of minimalists like Steve Reich, the focus of this piece is on the subtle dividing lines between rhythmic order and chaos. Often, the instruments begin in near-unison, only to gradually crumble into off-kilter cadences and eventually into arrhythmic percolations, coalescing here and there into unexpected kernels of rhythm as the work progresses.


敲擊六重奏組曲《昂宿星座》由希臘作曲家伊阿尼斯·澤納基斯於1978年寫成。組曲由四部分組成,作品取題為《昂宿星座 - IV 皮革》除了意指樂曲涵蓋多種敲擊樂器,作品與希臘神話對昂宿星座的演繹有密切關連。

《昂宿星座 - IV 皮革》呈現音樂家史提夫·萊許 (Steve Reich) 極簡主義的面貌,作品在節奏上的鬆緊緩急有匠心的鋪排,混亂與秩序之間微妙的分界線是作品戛戛獨造的地方。作品以節奏的驟散驟聚來建立樂曲印象,樂手以幾近一致的節奏步調開展,慢慢分裂成錯落有致的音景,以瀕臨失控邊緣的節奏終章。

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